Looking for services near you?
We know that finding the services you need to look after your health care can be confusing.
The NHS have created a simple way for you to find your nearest services. Simply select the service you are looking for, put in your postcode and view the results.
GP practices
We have listed GP practices within the borough by area.
We have produced a directory of dentists in Waltham Forest.
We have produced a directory of dentists in Waltham Forest.
Support and community services
Waltham Forest Council's website has a directory of support and community services. In addition to health-related services, there are services relating to Cost of Living; Advice; Migrants, refugees and asylum; Arts, cultural and social,; Services without a location; Employment and volunteering; Types of Digital Support.
Looking for more information
If you would like more information on local support services, please get in touch with us.
Winter Wellness Guide
NHS North East London and Waltham Forest Council have produced a Winter Wellness 2024 guide. Printed copies are available in GP surgeries, libraries, voluntary sector community living rooms and family hubs across the borough.
A digital copy can be downloaded below.