Find out what we're working on

Everything we do is guided by what people tell us about their experiences of health and social care. Find out more about our current projects and how you can get involved. 

Making sure local people are at the heart of designing three new Integrated Care Locality Hubs 

Locality Hubs will be buildings that will have at least one GP practice alongside other wellbeing and community services. We want local communities to: 

  • see their views developed into the design of these new hubs. 
  • be active partners in service delivery at the hubs.
  • have better health outcomes because they have access to the hubs

The first hub will be at Coronation Square in Leyton and we would like to develop a community co-design group who can share information, provide updates and participate in design workshops.

If you would like to be involved please leave your details in the Community Influencers form in the link below. Tick the "Something else" box in Question 1 and then write in "Coronation Square" in the text box.

You can expect to see more requests for feedback and input over the coming year. 

Link to Community Influencers sign-up form

Understanding the needs and experience of Romanian residents

We want to develop actions and messaging to improve the inclusion of Romanians in heath and care programmes in Waltham Forest. 

We are recruiting local Romanian Community Insight Researchers to work with us to carry out interviews with Romanian residents in the community and online. Depending on the outcome of our findings we may work with health and care partners to deliver a pop up health clinic specifically to meet the needs of the Romanian community. 

If you’re interested in getting involved in supporting the outreach, taking part in the interviews or becoming a Romanian Community Influencer please contact us.  Also keep an eye out for the online questionnaire. 

Contact us

Improving women's health services in Waltham Forest

Three women at women's event

We are working with Waltham Forest Women’s Network and the Integrated Care Board to understand what a Women’s Health Hub might look like in the Borough. The aim is for women to receive improved access to women’s health services and it should feel that services are working better together to meet their needs. 

We want to establish a women’s co-production group with the Waltham Forest Women’s Network so women can share their experiences, share information and come together to help co-design the service. If you wish to be involved, then complete the Community Influencers sign-up form in the link below, tick the "Something else" box in Question 1 and write in "Women's Health Hub" in the text box.

Link to Community Influencers sign-up form

Other issues to have your say on.

Help the NHS make meaningful changes to diabetes care in England

The National Diabetes Experience Survey is a new survey which gives people living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in England the opportunity to feedback on their experiences. NHS England will use the findings to understand and improve experience of NHS care and self-management for people living with diabetes.  If you are invited, you will receive a letter with information about the survey. Please don’t miss the opportunity to take part and share your experiences of care. NHS England need as many people as possible to take part so that the results reflect the views of different people living with diabetes.

Find out more