NHS New Hospital Programme – Car Parks Workshop

The NHS New Hospital Programme’s Transformation directorate would like to invite you to a 90- minute virtual workshop about your experience of using Car Parks on Tuesday 30th January 2024. At the  workshop, they will give a summary and update on the New Hospital Programme. You will also be invited to share your thoughts as a health service user. Your opinions will be taken forward for further discussion to impact the design of our new hospitals.

There will be two sessions (on MS Teams) from 1pm to 2.30pm and from 6pm to 7.30pm.

To book your place at either session please use this link:

When you book you will be able to indicate your preferred time (afternoon or evening). You will also be able to let them know if you have any accessibility or support needs to facilitate your participation.  They would appreciate it too, if you could complete the demographic questions to help ensure they are monitoring equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

You will receive a confirmation of your booking seven days before the workshop, and they will send you the Microsoft Team link and any prior reading material.

If you have any questions and would like to speak to someone about the workshop
or need assistance with booking, email nhp.clinical@nhs.net

The New Hospital Programme is a joint programme by NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care. Improving NHS Infrastructure – NHS Recovery: NHS Recovery (dhsc.gov.uk)