Join the Whipps Cross Community Forum

If you use Whipps Cross as your local hospital then you can join the Whipps Cross Redevelopment Community Forum to share your views on the redevelopment of your hospital.

What is the Community Forum?

The Community Forum is a place where users and future users of Whipps Cross can discuss and give their opinions on all things Whipps Cross and in particular the proposed redevelopment of the site. It is an exciting group of people from around the catchment area of Whipps Cross which is looking to expand to get even more diverse views! A main aim of the Community Forum is to ensure that community engagement is done well, and that the forum is a reflection of the populations it serves.

Who should join

People who are keen to have their say on the redevelopment, and can represent the views of others with regards to Whipps Cross. There are no set requirements except those who live in the catchment of Whipps Cross and/or would be defined as someone who would use Whipps Cross as their main local hospital. Applications are particularly encouraged from young people, people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities and people who live outside of Waltham Forest and would use Whipps Cross as their main hospital. There is no age or experience limitations, you just need to be willing to engage and holds an enthusiasm for community!

What is the commitment needed?

As a voluntary role, the commitment needed has been made as flexible as possible.

To fulfil the Core Commitment below, the role should take up no more than 1.5 hours per month, under the assumption that every quarter you are willing to put in 6 hours of time, with the quarterly meeting taking up 2 hours of that commitment. Tasks can be done at any time to suit your working pattern, except the quarterly meeting which is at a fixed time.

Core Commitment (Required)

  • Attending and participating in a 2-hour, virtual, quarterly meeting of the Community Forum (generally a weekday and between the hours of 4pm-6pm and/or 5pm-7pm)
  • Carrying out any actions from that meeting that may arise (i.e. Community Engagement, emailing persons)
  • Willing to add agenda items and engage between meetings, emailing the Chair of the meeting about potential topics of discussion.

Extra Commitments (If interested, and preferred)

  • Attending focus group style sessions on particular topics of interest with regards to Whipps Cross and/or the redevelopment. (Ad-Hoc)
  • Engaging with community stakeholders and feeding in that dialogue to the Community Forum, through email or raising at meetings.
  • Working alongside the Chair of the Forum to support in future workstream development and a potential steering group.

Why should I join?

Members of the Community Forum are able to ensure their voice and the voice of the community is heard. The forum is independent of Whipps Cross, but through the Chair of the Forum, all views are shared to the hospital. The Community Forum gives you a unique chance to mould and shape the future Whipps Cross, which will serve generations to come and is an opportunity that will not come again. Forum Members can also benefit from experiencing and learn the key skills of Community Engagement which are an asset and is transferable to many jobs and other roles.

How do I apply?

Write a short paragraph (under 250 words) outlining why you would be a good candidate to become a member of the Whipps Cross Community Forum.

Please email this to the Chair of the Whipps Cross Community Forum, Zakriya Mohammed at

After the applications have been sifted, you will be contacted to have a short chat-style interview to get to know you a little better before making a decision.

There is no fixed deadline, as the application process will be rolling as long as there are suitable, enthusiastic and willing members!