Webinar – The Future of Primary Care with Dr Lucy Abbott

Join the webinar “The Future of Primary Care with Dr Lucy Abbott” on 20 March 2024 at 7 pm.

This features Dr. Mohit Venkataram, East London NHS Foundation Trust’s Executive Director of Primary Care in conversation with Dr. Lucy Abbott, Consultant Geriatrician in Frimley.

In Frimley, an anticipatory care model was introduced to support people with either moderate frailty with eight or more co-morbidities or moderate/severe frailty with no GP encounter in the last six months.

Dr. Abbott is:

  • Consultant Geriatrician
  • Chief of Service for Community Services and Older People’s Medicine, FHFT
  • Chair, Frimley Health End of Life Steering Group
  • Ageing Well Clinical Senior Responsible Officer, Frimley Health and ICS
  • Regional Clinical Advisor for Frailty, NHS England SE Frimley Park Hospital

Send your questions in advance to elft.communications@nhs.net by 20 March and stay ahead in the digital curve of patient care.

Register here.