Annual Report for 2022-23

Our year in numbers
• 3,564 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us, helping to raise awareness of issues and improve care.
• 259 residents came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as mental health and the cost of living crisis.
• We produced 44 reports on resident insights and how they thought health and care services could be improved.
How did we help make a difference?
• We interviewed 22 Care Homes about new GP services for their residents.
• Feedback was very positive with resident wellbeing improving. Issues concerned access to dentistry, mental health, and continence services.
• We gathered feedback from over 1,000 people on their experience of accessing GPs.
• Insights suggest that different access systems for the generally well and for people with long-term conditions and the vulnerable may improve experience.
• We visited maternity services, conducted surveys, and reached out to ethnic minority and faith groups to talk about why some women have poorer maternity outcomes.
• Whipps Cross and health services are working with local women to improve cultural awareness.
• We worked with our neighbouring Healthwatch to look at urgent care and ambulance services.
• We found that to tackle A&E and urgent care services we need to tackle access to GP services. We are working with Waltham Forest GPs to develop solutions.
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