Q3 - (October to December 20) Patient Experience Report

This report covers patient experience for GPs, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, opticians and social care.
Our Q3 Patient Experience Report takes our data from October to December 2020 and identifies General Administration in the Waltham Forest’s health service as needing significant improvement. While many people praise the service provided by doctors, the booking of appointments and difficulty in reaching surgeries over the telephone are real concerns.
Understandably, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on the traditional GP experience. Service providers have had to make dramatic changes to the way patients access services to maximise everyone’s safety. The report also identified that there is a lack in mental health and emergency care reviews. These are two key service providers which are directly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope to encourage residents to speak about their experiences so that we can fully understand where change needs to be made.


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Q3 - (October to December 20) Patient Experience Report

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