Cancer news

The latest cancer news from Barts Health NHS Trust.

Remarkable reduction in cancer waits amongst the best in country – Barts Health have made exceptional progress in reducing the time it takes for patients to receive their test results of suspected cancer, is contributing significantly to the national effort in reducing cancer backlogs to pre-pandemic levels.

Emergency lifeline opens for cancer patients –  a new cancer assessment unit helps to keep cancer patients, who become unwell during treatment and who are vulnerable to infection, away from busy emergency departments and means they are supported by specialist staff.

Sun Awareness – come and find the skin cancer nurse specialists at the School of Community and Health Sciences, The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, E1 1FR on Wednesday 8th May from 11am to 2pm,  to find out about sun protection and get some free samples!  

Free cancer support – join Cancer Psychological Services for a free workshop on Wednesday 19th June from 2pm to 4pm at West Wing Conference Room, Ground Floor, West Wing, St Bart’s Hospital, EC1A 7BE to understand more about fears of cancer reoccurring or spreading, practice helpful strategies and connect with other people. Open to all – patients, relatives, friends and professionals.